Michael J. Fox lends his voice to Archie (Artificial Robotronic Canine Hyper-Intelligence Experiment), a robotic canine created by world-renowned roboticist Brooke Benton (Katharine sabelle) to help those in need. Though he looks like a normal dog, he’s anything but. He can talk and run at blinding speed, has super strength and x-ray vision. When her research program is shut down by the military, Brooke helps Archie escape in the hopes of finding a family to care for him. Archie then wanders into the small town of Deanewood, where Isabel Sullivan (Sarah Desjardins) has just moved to live with her uncle Paul (Robin Dunne). Paul is the town’s mayor and the owner of Deanewood’s best burger joint. Feeling very alone, Isabel struggles to find friends until she meets Archie. They quickly form a close bond and become friends while helping Paul retain his position as town mayor.