Ted Markham (William Fichtner) and George Hildebrandt (Kim Coates) play two fun-loving, ordinary married men from a small college town. One night, while on shift as maintenance workers at the local campus, George and his friend Ted chase an intruder out of the building and are praised for their efforts. However, Ted and George soon find out that the intruder was in fact the ghost of Gil Le Doux (Harold Perrineau), a man who was a freed slave and died in 1857. Needing to find resolve in life and love to finally be at rest, Ted and George set about to assist Gil in that mission. This stokes the concern of their wives, who can’t quite understand their conversations with air and strange late-night lurking in the museum. The devoted men stop at nothing to give this restless spirit the peace he’s longed for, in a series of desperate attempts and endearing antics.